Projets Enhancing institutional breeding capacity in Ghana, Senegal and Uganda to develop climate resilient crops for African smallholder farmers (EBCA):This project is supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and led by the IBP through a hosting arrangement with AfricaRice. The main objective of the project is to develop and disseminate improved crop cultivars in Senegal, Ghana and Uganda that have characteristics that meet smallholder needs (improved Lire la suite… Par Isra-Ceraas, il y a 3 ans
Projets Sustainable Intensification Innovation Lab (Phase 2 – Date?).This lab is managed internationally by theUniversity of Kansas. The objectives are to develop research and capacity building portfolios in collaboration with U.S.universities and international research organizations on activities related to sustainable intensification, and tosustainably increase agricultural productivity and incomes that ensure food and nutrition security for smallholderfarmers in Africa Lire la suite… Par Isra-Ceraas, il y a 3 ans
Projets Legume System Research Innovation Lab (Phase? – Date?).This lab is managed internationally by theUniversity of Michigan. It aims to develop innovations in legume pest control, new and improved variety selection,alternative cropping systems, technology adoption in commercial systems, nutritional approaches, and the effects ofpolicies on the system. It also aims to fill gaps in the knowledge base on Lire la suite… Par Isra-Ceraas, il y a 3 ans
Projets Peanut Innovation Lab (Phase 2 – 2018-2022).This laboratory is managed internationally by the University ofGeorgia. Its goal is to reduce hunger by helping farmers in developing countries to grow and benefit from healthypeanut. The new program builds on the many successes of the previous Peanut and Mycotoxin Innovation Laboratory interms of new variety development, pre- and Lire la suite… Par Isra-Ceraas, il y a 3 ans
Projets Sorghum and Millet Innovation Lab (phase 2 – 2019-2023).This laboratory is managed internationally by theUniversity of Kansas. It is a leading research consortium aimed at improving the adaptation and resilience of sorghumand millet to the semi-arid climates of East and West Africa. It brings together U.S. and international universities andresearch organizations in a collaborative effort to build human Lire la suite… Par Isra-Ceraas, il y a 3 ans26 mars 2021