Initiative aiming at linking more effectively research and innovation with development. Funded by the EU, this intends to boost innovation in agriculture and food systems transformation in low and middle-income […]
An important element of “Feed Africa” a strategy of the African Development Bank to transform agriculture and scale up agribusiness opportunities throughout 18 key agricultural commodity value chains targeting the […]
ThisCORAF and USAID partnership is underpinned by the conviction that regional approaches and interventions are efficient as an added value to national efforts in reaching out to millions of people […]
Les laboratoires d’innovation du programme Feed the Future de l’USAID sont une des stratégies du gouvernement Américain pour lutter contre la faim et la pauvreté dans le monde à travers […]
An initiative that is part of the U.S. government’s strategy to fight hunger and poverty around the world. In WA, these innovations labs are already collaborating tightly with the RCE […]
This project is supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and led by the IBP through a hosting arrangement with AfricaRice. The main objective of the project is […]
This lab is managed internationally by theUniversity of Kansas. The objectives are to develop research and capacity building portfolios in collaboration with U.S.universities and international research organizations on activities related […]
This lab is managed internationally by theUniversity of Michigan. It aims to develop innovations in legume pest control, new and improved variety selection,alternative cropping systems, technology adoption in commercial systems, […]
This laboratory is managed internationally by the University ofGeorgia. Its goal is to reduce hunger by helping farmers in developing countries to grow and benefit from healthypeanut. The new program […]
This laboratory is managed internationally by theUniversity of Kansas. It is a leading research consortium aimed at improving the adaptation and resilience of sorghumand millet to the semi-arid climates of […]